07 February 2024

Wishcraft Oracle Unboxing & Walkthrough


Wishcraft Oracle Unboxing & Walkthrough

Wishcraft Oracle Unboxing & Walkthrough
Wishcraft Oracle Unboxing & Walkthrough
  An enchanting oracle for both the youthful and the young at heart who cherish a sprinkle of magic in their lives! The act of making wishes is a magical ritual enjoyed by both children and adults. 
This magic is woven into our everyday lives, from the simple act of blowing out birthday candles to making a wish upon a shooting star. This is the essence of wishcraft, our daily dose of magic. 
When practicing wishcraft, remember these three crucial elements:
Clarity is key. Be as specific as you can about your wish. Embrace joy: let loose, celebrate, unleash your creativity, and live in the moment! 
 Remember, YOU are the magic. Without your unique energy, the magic of wishcraft cannot manifest. This Oracle deck is adorned with mesmerizing illustrations that capture the magic of light and evoke a sense of childlike wonder. The illustrator and author breathe life into this magical world. With their straightforward, uplifting messages, these cards inspire readers of all ages.

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