Showing posts with label Angel Card Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel Card Reading. Show all posts
All is Well - Archangel Oracle Cards |
All is Well
Archangel Jeremiel: “Everything’s happening exactly as it’s supposed to, with hidden blessings you’ll soon understand.”
“Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise.
When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new. During this time of change, practice relaxation methods such as yoga, deep breathing, exercise, and meditation.
Ask me to make your transition smooth and harmonious for everyone involved.
Sign From Above ~ Guardian Angel
Heaven is sending you blessings and answers in the form of signs in the physical world.
These are messages that you see or hear repetitively.
This card asks you to pay extra attention to signs, as they are part of the answer to your question.
A new way of eating gives you more energy,greater health,clarity,and stronger manifestation abilities}
The Sun is Life Force Energy. We receive self sustaining nutrients and many benefits from Life Force Energy based foods such as; fresh herbs, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and greens.
Dandelion - Angel Dreams |
“Vitality ~ Empowerment ~ Perseverance.”
“Dandelion is here to empower you with vitality.
Your wishes ad prayers have been heard.
You will persevere.
This powerful herb is helping you work through the layers of this situation by bestowing on you the qualities of strength, determination, and adaptability.
A clear knowing that something is being denied you; “rejection is God’s protection.” :
There are times when it appears that no matter how deeply you desire something, no matter how hard you work at something, the result you seek always seems to elude you.
It’s as if you don’t really get to be in the game, and you feel you’re just watching from the sidelines.
Ancestors - Earth Magic Oracle |
We carry our ancestors' bloodline and are connected to them both genetically and
spiritually in an underlying continuity of which we may only barely be aware.
Although environment and circumstance contribute to shaping us-particularly when we're young-an innate thread of kinship exists that has run the course of history for thousands of years and is contained in our bodies and in our being
When we are blindfolded we have to trust in ourselves and in God, knowing that we are protected by this guardian angel, whose bands reach out to us across the gulf of time and worldly matters to
offer goodness freely.
{A new way of eating gives you more energy,greater health,clarity,and stronger manifestation abilities}
The Sun is Life Force Energy. We receive self sustaining nutrients and many benefits from Life Force Energy based foods such as; fresh herbs, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and greens.
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