Showing posts with label Animal Spirit Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal Spirit Guide. Show all posts
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Wheel of Fortune - Lady Bug -Animal Totem Tarot |
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The Wheel of Fortune - Animal Totem Tarot |
The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by the Master Lord Maha Chohan and the Master Hilarion.
The Maha Cohan is the representative of The Holly Spirit.
The Maha Cohan’s name means ‘the Great Lord’ and he is known as the ‘Keeper of the Cosmic Flame’ or the ‘Keeper of the Flame
The sharp eyes of the Hawk watch our every move.
This keen-eyed bird has the ability to see every little detail as well as the bigger picture.
When this card appears, fate has its eyes on you, and the winds are shifting.
Vulture spirit is giving you the news of new beginings
Vulture spirit brings you changes.
Vulture is asking you to take your time before giving any decisions.
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9 of Swords - Animal Totem Tarot |
The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear and anxiety.
It's all about all the fears, anxieties, worries, that keeps your brain ticking and keeps you awake, which makes you losing your sleep.
Nine of swords can be be associated with traumas ( childhood or an adulthood), and all the fears and anxieties related to this..
The Nine of Swords is a troublesome card and causes nightmares.
The Suit of Swords are associated with mind, communication, logic & intelligence but The Nine of Swords is the most destructive one....
9 Swords keeps you questioning why that happened to me, what have I done wrong? and all the other things might have / can happen to you..
9 Swords always catches you when you are off guard.
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Owl - Animal Messages |
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Indulge your creative, imaginative, and magical side through some from artistic expression
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Wolf as Guardian Spirit Animal is there to protect you.
Wolves are animals who are strong and very royal.
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When KW appears in a reading it's absolutely a positive omen.
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Native American tribes have associated the Eagle with great strength, wisdom, leadership and vision.
Eagle spirit animal symbolises taking responsibility, healing nature and pacing lightly to respect The Mother Nature
Eagles are considered as a chief.
Eagles are a symbol of salvation and hope.
In Greek Mythology
It's said that Zeus used to shape shift into Eagle to control the thunder & lightening.
Eagles image has been adopted into strength & freedom through out the history.
Aztecs, Hittites, Sumerians, Native Americas , Romans, Egyptians all had symbolism associated with Eagle
Eagle's sharp have sharp eyes,
The Hummingbird
Despite being so little, hummingbirds are great journeyers, migrating between North and Central or South America to feed from the summer nectar. This gentle creature can be fiercely territorial to protect its home. Hummingbird teaches us to be gentle to ourselves and protect our personal space. Hummingbird invites you to embark on your epic quest, bypass the dung pile of old pain and hurts, head for the flowers, and learn to trust the calling you hear ever so softly.
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XIII / Death-Animal Totem Tarot |
Indulge Your Creative, Imaginative, and Magical side through some form of artistic expression
Whatever the artistic vehicle through which you express your most creative self, whether it's drawing, poetry, painting, music, acting or any other. make it priority in life by devoting some energy on it..
Let the longing of your heart determine what the form of your imaginative expression is but let it be the one that eclits passion and purpose.
The Egyptians linked Lion to power and wealth. In ancient Egypt, a lion cup symbolised the rising sun. So if Lion enters your life, you may experience your own true selves – your soul will be rising to the surface. The Lion is the symbol of the sun and of gold, and also medieval alchemists associated Lion with sulphur.
The lion as a spirit animal or totem symbolizes
The lion as a spirit animal or totem symbolizes
- Strength, assertiveness, personal power
- A common meaning for the lion spirit animal is predatory feelings, such as anger, aggression directed at someone else or towards you
- Personal struggle to deal with these feelings
- Lion spirit animals warn about a threatening situation or event in your life
Richard I of England was called Lionheart for his brave, courageous - possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching; "
Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring"- Herman Melville;
"a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain"- William Wordsworth; "set a courageous example by leading them safely
Lions are social big cats. They live in harmony and barely fight, although a lion might get jealous of a lioness :D than they might fight for their lioness :))
They wait for the right time to attack which draws from the left side of the brain and right side of the body.. Lions are logical and analytical..
Their mane represents the sun, sun - solar energy.
A lion's roar is finding your voice to speak your truth
Lion represents personal strength
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