Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
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Wheel of Fortune - Lady Bug -Animal Totem Tarot |
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Mountain Gorilla-The Secret Language of Animals |
Once thought to be fierce and aggressive, Gorilla brings the gift of immense physical strength (about 20 times that of humans)through gentle reflection, grace in motion and mutual respect.
As our closest kin in the animal kingdom, Gorillas share 98% of our DNA, and their peaceful way of being reveals many of our most aspired attributes.
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The Wheel of Fortune - Animal Totem Tarot |
The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by the Master Lord Maha Chohan and the Master Hilarion.
The Maha Cohan is the representative of The Holly Spirit.
The Maha Cohan’s name means ‘the Great Lord’ and he is known as the ‘Keeper of the Cosmic Flame’ or the ‘Keeper of the Flame
The sharp eyes of the Hawk watch our every move.
This keen-eyed bird has the ability to see every little detail as well as the bigger picture.
When this card appears, fate has its eyes on you, and the winds are shifting.
Vulture spirit is giving you the news of new beginings
Vulture spirit brings you changes.
Vulture is asking you to take your time before giving any decisions.
Yes, What you're asking about is the truth!
This card wants you to know that you're correct in what you are thinking about this situiation .
You already know the truth, even if it's knowledge that's held deeply in your heart.
Take a moment and feel what your body says about this situation
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Bee - The Secret Language of Animals |
Creativity, Purpose, Harvest,Devotion
In ancient Egypt, when the tears of the sun god Ra landed on the desert sand they became the bees of the world.
When Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love drew back his bow, the string was made of honey bees. When the ancient Essenes entered holy communion with the Angel of Creative Work, they called upon visions of bees at work, devoted to their collection of divine nectar.
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Fire - The Secret Language of Animals |
To ancient philosophers Fire was a sign of energy and passion.
According to Celts, Fire was a source of transformation.
In Ancient Chinese Culture, Fire bring masculine energy of Yang and the power of purification
To Aztecs fire is found in the seven ray sun. that symbolises the spiritual development in the soul of man.
To many native culture, Fire is the sacred medium through which our deepest prayers and intentions are communicated to the Universe.
With Sacred Herbs offered to the embers, dreams, and visions are sent to Great Spirit within spirals of rising smoke, opening the way of manifestation in physical form.
In Nature fire stimulates growth and brings, renewal and balance.
At times firs burns away and destroys the old, cleansing and purifying the land for new growth.
Different to downward gravitational flow of water.
Fire energy rises moving ever upward.
From the center of earth, up through the mouths of volcanoes.
Fire brings the energy of creation, giving birth to mountains, islands, and earth of tomorrow.
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9 of Swords - Animal Totem Tarot |
The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear and anxiety.
It's all about all the fears, anxieties, worries, that keeps your brain ticking and keeps you awake, which makes you losing your sleep.
Nine of swords can be be associated with traumas ( childhood or an adulthood), and all the fears and anxieties related to this..
The Nine of Swords is a troublesome card and causes nightmares.
The Suit of Swords are associated with mind, communication, logic & intelligence but The Nine of Swords is the most destructive one....
9 Swords keeps you questioning why that happened to me, what have I done wrong? and all the other things might have / can happen to you..
9 Swords always catches you when you are off guard.
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Simplicity-Magical Unicorns |
Simplicity – Put your energy into the basics and let go of excess.
Your life has become so complex that you are feeling totally drained and depressed about what is happening in certain areas.
This card is about simplifying your life, and going back to basics. "TIME TO DECLUTTER" just throw out your excess baggage, both physically, mentally & emotionally.
First you need to decide on what you really want and then concentrate and focus on that particular subject. Don't focus on too many subjects at the same time, it becomes complicated and you waste your energy, instead of focusing on one subject.
Many people have been swooned by the materialistic world and they don't know what they desire.
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Owl - Animal Messages |
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Indulge your creative, imaginative, and magical side through some from artistic expression
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Wolf as Guardian Spirit Animal is there to protect you.
Wolves are animals who are strong and very royal.
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When KW appears in a reading it's absolutely a positive omen.
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