Showing posts with label Crystal Oracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystal Oracles. Show all posts
“You are an immortal soul who has profound connection with the heavens. Your purpose is noble. You yearn for spiritual attunement, but may be hampered by outmoded viewpoints
A life-support system during stressful times or serious illness, hold onto it during challenges so that you keep things in perspective.
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Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards |
“The heavenly blue of Lapis Lazuli with its golden flecks was a favourite of the Egyptians who linked it to the sun god Ra. It warded off calamities of all kinds and was one of the most auspicious stones in the ancient world.”
Self Understanding: “You are an immortal soul who has profound connection with the heavens. Your purpose is noble. You yearn for spiritual attunement, but may be hampered by outmoded viewpoints.
Take charge of your own life. Looking into the past, including other lives, puts your present experience into perspective. You are a lineage breaker. It takes effort to trace family history, but it is enlightening.”
“Flashes of intuition show the way. Open your heart and the third eye. Help comes from on high. Spiritual enlightenment is within your grasp.
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Auralite - Crystals Spirit Oracle |
Mindfulness, meditation on the present
To be mindful is to be aware of the now rather than distracted by the past or future and any thoughts of oughts, shoulds, and might-haves.
Your quest for healing requires discovering what you are truly thinking and feeling when you are not distracting yourself.
Auralite Spirit calls you to be mindful of your needs right now, for this may be a time to let tears flow or laughter arise, to recognize something so subtle that you previously missed it, or to understand that you are so much more than what you can accomplish or produce.
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Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle |
“We bring you the empowerment of passion of the lion heart. Through passion you will dedicate yourself with an intensity and discipline that may surprise you.
Passion is love activated. It is energy that moves you from within and empowers you to act in the world in ways you would not otherwise dare to even consider.
Passion gives you strength, plugs you into the eternal energy of sacred fire, and generates the ability to accomplish tasks you once may not have believed possible. With great passion there can be great pain.
Transformation, rebirth through fire, initiation and opening to new experiences, revitalization and renewal
New doors open, and you cross the threshold. It can be exhilarating to know that you are stepping out of the old and into a new self ready for the unexpected gift s that come with this initiation.
We bring you the empowerment of word to world.
What you speak of with intention you shall manifest.
You are blessed with the creative power of an open and activated throat chakra.
As you release subconscious fear of speaking your truth, memories of being silenced, and claim your true divine voice, your ability to change your world through your intention is amplified.

APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle
Apatite works at the interface between consciousness and matter to let go of what is outworn in your life
.Self-understanding: Clear away confusion or guilt .Accept the truth about yourself. You are a complex being with credits and deficits.
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APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle |
Apatite works at the interface between consciousness and matter to let go of what is outworn in your life
.Self-understanding: Clear away confusion or guilt .Accept the truth about yourself.
You are a complex being with credits and deficits.
Letting go of grief, recovering from the past, releasing pain so old wounds heal
Before we came to this planet, our souls agreed to experience both love and loss in this lifetime— along with the pleasures and pains of being in our bodies—so that we might experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and find our destiny.
There is great beauty in being broken open, for a heart that has fully expanded with grief is one that truly understands that “rejection is God’s protection.”
Faith in something better coming our way will set the wheels in motion for attracting that which we most deserve.
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Scolecite - Crystal Reading Cards |
Crystal Colour : White
Related to : Crown Chakra
The Medicine of Scolecite is a powerful ally to assist in mastering the essence of inner peace.
Scolecite is made up of tiny slothers of white hair like shards.
Each shard acts like a laser beam of pure white light energy from the cosmos.
Constantly channeling the love and peace from the Universe into everyone who finds her or his way into his field, it brings light of divine peace into the darkest depths of your being Illuminating and purifying the soul and offering the medicine of inner peace.
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Archangel Remiel is both a fallen Watcher and an archangel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Ramiel means "thunder of God" from the Hebrew elements ra'am and El, "God". Ramiel is the archangel of hope, and he is credited with two tasks: he is responsible for divine visions, and he guides the souls of the faithful into Heaven.
Archangel Remiel is the angel who brings souls to judgment,
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Black tourmaline has bee used by Shamans and healers for protection.
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Out of all Seven chakras, only Root and Sacral Chakra is close to each other.
Root and the Sacral Chakra (source of your sexual energy and desire). You can have a strong and pure Sacral Chakra, but if your Root is weak, you'll have low sexual desires.
Chakra means location, where you locate, live.
The sacral chakra is the second chakra.
It's associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity.
Unconscious activities..
Extremism, and feeling guilty.
Emotions like, fear, joy, happiness.
You can try meditation on well being
Conscious expression
Personal feelings / emotions
Being sentimental / I am sentimental
Cancer / Moon
Libra / Venus
Scorpio / Pluto
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It's quite acceptable creative people to get overly excited when a new opportunity / possibility turns up on their door step.
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Emerald-The Healing Oracle Crystal Reading |
The word "emerald" is derived esmeraude (old French) and emeraude (ME) from Vulgar Latin: esmaralda/esmaraldus, a variant of Latin smaragdus, which originated in Ancient Greek: σμάραγδος(smaragdos; "green gem")
Green is the colour of nature, calming colour in the wheel. It represents fertility, peace and balance.
It's not a stone for passionate love, but it's a symbol of hope.
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus.
It was thought to preserve love
Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra
It was found on the breastplates of the Kings & Queens in the ancient times.
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Guardian Angels
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Wisdom of The Oracle
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Tarot of the Spirit World
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Mythical Creatures
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Wheel of Fortune
The Tower
Tarot of The 78 Doors
The Empress