“You are an immortal soul who has profound connection with the heavens. Your purpose is noble. You yearn for spiritual attunement, but may be hampered by outmoded viewpoints
Showing posts with label Crystal Reading Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystal Reading Cards. Show all posts
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Lapus Lazuli - Crystal Reading Cards |
“The heavenly blue of Lapis Lazuli with its golden flecks was a favourite of the Egyptians who linked it to the sun god Ra. It warded off calamities of all kinds and was one of the most auspicious stones in the ancient world.”
Self Understanding: “You are an immortal soul who has profound connection with the heavens. Your purpose is noble. You yearn for spiritual attunement, but may be hampered by outmoded viewpoints.
Take charge of your own life. Looking into the past, including other lives, puts your present experience into perspective. You are a lineage breaker. It takes effort to trace family history, but it is enlightening.”
“Flashes of intuition show the way. Open your heart and the third eye. Help comes from on high. Spiritual enlightenment is within your grasp.
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Scolecite - Crystal Reading Cards |
Crystal Colour : White
Related to : Crown Chakra
The Medicine of Scolecite is a powerful ally to assist in mastering the essence of inner peace.
Scolecite is made up of tiny slothers of white hair like shards.
Each shard acts like a laser beam of pure white light energy from the cosmos.
Constantly channeling the love and peace from the Universe into everyone who finds her or his way into his field, it brings light of divine peace into the darkest depths of your being Illuminating and purifying the soul and offering the medicine of inner peace.
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Black tourmaline has bee used by Shamans and healers for protection.
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Emerald-The Healing Oracle Crystal Reading |
The word "emerald" is derived esmeraude (old French) and emeraude (ME) from Vulgar Latin: esmaralda/esmaraldus, a variant of Latin smaragdus, which originated in Ancient Greek: σμάραγδος(smaragdos; "green gem")
Green is the colour of nature, calming colour in the wheel. It represents fertility, peace and balance.
It's not a stone for passionate love, but it's a symbol of hope.
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus.
It was thought to preserve love
Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra
It was found on the breastplates of the Kings & Queens in the ancient times.
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