I'm back with another Haunted Doll Post..
This time it's Letta The Gypsy Doll
Letta the doll was apparently made 200 years ago by a Romanian gypsy for his son who had drowned.
The Maori are an indigenous people in New Zealand who used to carve out masks and statues prior to heading into battle.
According to the Maori belief system, any man who died in battle would leave his soul behind in one of the warrior masks.
The Anguished man painting: This painting was locked away in an attic for a long time. The original artist painted it with a mixture of blood and paint before killing himself.
The Vyne Ring or the Ring of Silvianus is a gold ring, dating probably from the 4th century, discovered in a ploughed field near Silchester, in Hampshire, England, in 1785. Originally the property of a British Roman called Silvianus, it was apparently stolen by a person named Senicianus, upon whom Silvianus called down a curse.
The Lydian Hoard is a collection of elaborate jewelry, plates, pots and other golden pieces.
But the brooch and necklace from the Hoard have caused its owners nothing but trouble.
A part of King Croesus' treasure, the loot dates back to 547 B.C. But in 1965 (when it was discovered in an dig in the village of Güre) is when the real trouble begins. The treasure was found in the tomb of an unknown princess, and promptly looted by just about everyone. Over 150 relics were ransacked. Almost all the looters met with sickness, bad luck and death.

First A bit long History of The Hope Diamond
The Hope Diamond, also known as Le Bijou du Roi ("the King's Jewel"),
Le bleu de France ("the Blue of France"), and the Tavernier Blue, is a large, 45.52-carat (9.104 g) deep-blue diamond, and now housed in the National Gem and Mineral collection at the National Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. It is blue to the naked eye because of trace amounts of boron within its crystal structure, and exhibits red phosphorescence after exposure to ultraviolet light.
It is classified as a Type IIb diamond, and is notorious for supposedly being cursed. It has a long recorded history, with few gaps, in which it changed hands numerous times on its way from India to France to Britain and eventually to the United States, where it has been regularly on public display since. It has been described as the "most famous diamond in the world"
The Black Orlov is a black diamond, also known as the Eye of Brahma Diamond. It weighs 67.50 carats (13.500 g). The diamond—originally 195 carats (39.0 g)—is said to have been discovered in the early 19th century in India. It supposedly featured as one of the eyes in a statue of the Hindu god Brahma in Pondicherry, until it was stolen by a monk. According to legend, this theft caused the diamond to be cursed.
This watch know as the “Supercomplication” or the “Holy Grail” of all watches was designed and then made over a period of 8 years.
Henry Graves Jr. was born into a wealthy New York family. As a young man he shrewdly increased the family fortune via investments in railroads and banking.
Like most multi-millionaires of the time Graves was a collector. He had a passion for expensive watches.