Showing posts with label Fairy Oracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fairy Oracles. Show all posts
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The Merlin - Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle |
When the ancient one, the Merlin comes forward to speak with you, you are speaking with all the lands knowledge for years, of many the ancient of whom druids remain who have spend time in faery lands for years, many of whom remain there, still, including the wise mentor and teacher, Merlin.
It is difficult to over estimate his depth of knowledge, his compassionate heart and his laughter.
If my love were an earthly knight,though he's an elfin grey,
I would not give my own true-love
For any lord that ye have.
"Three times Tam Lin changes, and three times Janet holds.
She sprinkles a circle of earth and blessed water about him - and brings him home.
“Be aware of a huge new opportunity being presented to you. It is safe for you to trust and enter into this new realm.
“A momentous opportunity is being presented to you. It could be in the form of someone making a business proposal to you, a new idea that enters your ind, or an investment opportunity.
It could even come in the form of a loss, in which you are about to gain something even more suitable.
A new way of eating gives you more energy,greater health,clarity,and stronger manifestation abilities}
The Sun is Life Force Energy. We receive self sustaining nutrients and many benefits from Life Force Energy based foods such as; fresh herbs, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and greens.
{A new way of eating gives you more energy,greater health,clarity,and stronger manifestation abilities}
The Sun is Life Force Energy. We receive self sustaining nutrients and many benefits from Life Force Energy based foods such as; fresh herbs, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and greens.
“Be aware of a huge new opportunity being presented to you. It is safe for you to trust and enter into this new realm.
“A momentous opportunity is being presented to you. It could be in the form of someone making a business proposal to you, a new idea that enters your ind, or an investment opportunity. It could even come in the form of a loss, in which you are about to gain something even more suitable.
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THE FAERY GIFT OF ENCHANTMENT FROM THE REALM OF THE FAERY MAGICK is a blessing to us all, and, in truth,you work with it without even knowing, much of the time.
When This gift of faery magick comes to you, let there be a sense that whatever you touch has a spark of magick to it a little extra lifeforce flowing through the fingers, a little extra depth in the way you see the world, a little extra tastiness to the food you eat, and a little extra kindness to you every day.
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Ace of Mermaid - The Fairy Ring Oracle |
Mermaids are sea fairies,with the upper bodies of lovely woman, the tails of fish, though in early Celtic tales,they were simply sea dwelling maidens.
Sometimes these exotic creatures come to the surface of the sea and sit on the rocks near the shore combing their beautiful hair,
The mermaid is an enchantress, a seductive siren with a sweet voice, but her songs lure ships onto the rocky coasts of Scotland and Cornwall
They take the souls of drowned sailors to the bottom of the sea by the mermaid where they keep them in lobster pots.
Anyone who falls asleep on the beach is in danger of being taken by the mermaid to live with her in her underwater palace.

Unity- Tobaria of The Waters-The Faeries Oracle-Brian Froud
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Beauty - Healing with The Fairies |
Appreciate and amplify your natural attractiveness. Your beauty is most apparent when you’re happy and satisfied.
We are all attractive in our own unique way. Part of self-esteem is appreciating how wonderful you truly are. Never, ever put yourself down in any way!
Tell yourself positive affirmations daily, such as, “My inner light radiates through every pore and cell of my body, and everyone is attracted to my inner and outer beauty.” Invest time and money in services that make you feel wonderful, such as massages, facials, manicures and pedicures, soaking in a tub, or getting a new hairstyle.
My inner and outer selves are radiantly attractive right now. I love my beautiful self.
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Your love life is pretty smooth as well, if you are single love might be knocking your door anytime.
You came up to a level in your career but it is up to you if you want to move forward in your career.
Your hard work is finally paying off.
Do not lose your hopes and determination when you are walking through this path.
Do not forget that patience is a virtue..
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Unity- Tobaria of The Waters-The Faeries Oracle-Brian Froud |
Unity comes first and last, In between we have the illusion of duality, which we believe for a long time.
This apparent duality is ultimately shown to be an illusion, but it's an illusion through which we must pass through which we learn and grow and then once again return to Unity
You may have had mystical experiences where you have had true union with other beings or even with the unity, THE ONE WHO'S ALL , such experiences change our lives, effectively showing us that the saying, We are all one, is just not a pious belief, but a statement of actual fact.
The Faerytale Oracle |
The Wild Swans
" All the people came flocking out at the town gate for they wanted to see the witch burned. An old horse drew the cart in which she sat. they had put upon her a garment of coarse sackcloth. Her lovely hair hung loose about her beautiful head, her cheeks were as pale as death, and her lips moved silently, while her fingers were engaged with the green flax. Even on the way to the death she didn't interrupt the work she had begun; the ten shirts of mail lay at her feet, and she wrought at the eleventh"
The fairy who came out to meet her was fair and shining, yet she closely resembled the old woman who gave her the berries in the forest and told her of the swans who wore golden crowns on their heads.
"Your brothers can be set free", she said, but have you got the courage and tenacity to do it? The sweater that changes the shape of rough stones is indeed softer than your delicate hands, but it can't feel the pain that your fingers will feel.
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Fairy Cards
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Fairy Oracles
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Wisdom of The Oracle
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Tarot of the Spirit World
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Mythical Creatures
Oracle Card Of The Day
Wheel of Fortune
The Tower
Tarot of The 78 Doors
The Empress