Showing posts with label Goddess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goddess. Show all posts
Memory- Green Witch Oracle |
ROSEMARY (Rosmatinus otlicinalis)
When the World Wearies, and Society Ceases to Satisfy, There Is Always the Garden "Minnie Aumonier"
Deeper levels of connection with people, concepts and plans are all areas that rosemary works with.
You are reminded to ensure you are in touch with your inner wisdom, paying heed to the past, and have cleared what needs to be released.
Listen to your intuition as it is calling to you at present, but be wary of gossip or becoming tactless or too forceful.
Goddess of Teotihuacan - Earth Warriors Oracle |
Goddess of Teotihuacan
She Guards the Waters of Life
The ancient guardian mother protects the waters of Life.
She offers her protection and blessing. Her appearance angurs a time of purification and cleansing, leading to enhance fertility.
You are creator of new consciousness, ,tour of positive energy as fuel for constructive outcomes need your Vitalized being to keep nourishing the human collective with helpful alternatives to mainstream consciousness.
You'll be protected and supported at the deep level of soul in order to become the creator and custodian of a clean reservoir of consciousness from which souls thirsty for purity, relief and love, can drink.
The ancient mother will help you to help her and the many creatures within her care. She will help you to be fearlessly inventive with your loving creations of healing consciousness.
The ancient guardian mother protects the waters of Life.
Islot - Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck |
Isolt – Undying Love
“The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation.”
Many are going through huge emotional turmoil either because a relationship that they thought was going to last a lifetime has ended or perhaps a loved one has crossed to the other side.
Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle |
“We bring you the empowerment of passion of the lion heart. Through passion you will dedicate yourself with an intensity and discipline that may surprise you.
Passion is love activated. It is energy that moves you from within and empowers you to act in the world in ways you would not otherwise dare to even consider.
Passion gives you strength, plugs you into the eternal energy of sacred fire, and generates the ability to accomplish tasks you once may not have believed possible. With great passion there can be great pain.
We bring you the empowerment of word to world.
What you speak of with intention you shall manifest.
You are blessed with the creative power of an open and activated throat chakra.
As you release subconscious fear of speaking your truth, memories of being silenced, and claim your true divine voice, your ability to change your world through your intention is amplified.
Past Life Present Power - Isis Oracle |
The many spirital faces of you
When the soul is growing in service to humanity, in service to Great Feminne and her call that beings be healed and free, it gathers itneral and her call that all beings are healed and free, it gathers internal resources to assist on the path.
These resources includes, powers & gifts from other lifetimes.
You are currently integrating past life abilities and you are guided by the Oracle of Past Life Present Power to be open to shifting internally and in your experience of your own of power & spiritual ability
Goddess of Teotihuacan - Earth Warriors Oracle
Goddess of Teotihuacan - Earth Warriors Oracle
Goddess of Teotihuacan
She Guards the Waters of Life
The ancient guardian mother protects the waters of Life.
She offers her protection and blessing. Her appearance angurs a time of purification and cleansing, leading to enhance fertility. You are creator of new consciousness, agener,tour of positive energy as fuel for constructive outcomes. need your Ivitalised being to keep nourishing the human collective with helpful alternatives to mainstream consciousness.
You it'll be protected and supported at the deep level of soul in order to become the creator and custodian of a clean reservoir of consciousness from which souls thirsty for purity, relief and love, can drink. Ihe ancient mother will help you to help her and the many creatures within her care. she will help you to be fearlessly inventive with your loving creations of healing consciousness.
Goddess of Teotihuacan - Earth Warriors Oracle
Goddess of Teotihuacan - Earth Warriors Oracle
Goddess of Teotihuacan
She Guards the Waters of Life
The ancient guardian mother protects the waters of Life.
She offers her protection and blessing. Her appearance angurs a time of purification and cleansing, leading to enhance fertility. You are creator of new consciousness, agener,tour of positive energy as fuel for constructive outcomes. need your Ivitalised being to keep nourishing the human collective with helpful alternatives to mainstream consciousness.
You it'll be protected and supported at the deep level of soul in order to become the creator and custodian of a clean reservoir of consciousness from which souls thirsty for purity, relief and love, can drink. Ihe ancient mother will help you to help her and the many creatures within her care. she will help you to be fearlessly inventive with your loving creations of healing consciousness.
Vajrayogini - The Divine Feminine Oracle |
Vajrayoginī རྡོ་རྗེ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མ་, is a Tantric Buddhist female Buddha and a ḍākiṇī. Vajrayoginī's essence is "great passion" (maharaga), a transcendent passion that is free of selfishness and illusion — she intensely works for the well-being of others and for the destruction of ego clinging.
She is seen as being ideally suited for people with strong passions, providing the way to transform those passions into enlightened virtues.
Vajrayoginī is the power we all possess to transform mundane experiences into higher paths.
Vajrayogini is considered to be the supreme deity of the tantric pantheon.
She's both Dakini and female Buddha.
According to scholar Miranda Shaw "no other male Buddha, including her divine consort, approaches her metaphysical or practical import.
Oshun is the goddess of the sweet waters and the protective deity of the River Oshun in Nigeria. Alongside this river is a sacred grove, probably the last in Yoruba Culture, dedicated to Oshun.
She is known for healing the sick, bringing happiness and cheer to the sad one, bringing music, song and dance, as well as being a goddess of fertility and prosperity.
She's the Diana of the African goddesses
She is the protector of the poor, the mother of all orphans, she is the one who brings them what they need in this life through periods of weakness or strength
>Aine – Leap of Faith
Take a risk and put your heart’s true desire into action.”
Procrastination is the thief of time and indecision is the death of the Soul’s burning passion to improve, grow and learn.
Do not become an observer who sits on the fence with one toe in the water trying to decide what you should actually do.
“Stop worrying. Everything is going to be fine.”
Lakshmi reminds us that abundance is coming together, not leaving anyone behind .
It's quite acceptable creative people to get overly excited when a new opportunity / possibility turns up on their door step.
This means not only you have an important spiritual task to do.
Aine – Leap of Faith Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue |
Aine – Leap of Faith
Take a risk and put your heart’s true desire into action.”
Procrastination is the thief of time and indecision is the death of the Soul’s burning passion to improve, grow and learn.
Do not become an observer who sits on the fence with one toe in the water trying to decide what you should actually do.
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards - Brigit |
Brigit is a celtic triple-goddess, which means that she represents three aspects of woman: the young virgin, the nurturing and loving mother, and the crone/sage/wise woman. Brigit is a fiery goddess who tirelessly protects those who call upon her, and she’s a feminine counterpart to Archangel Michael’s warrior energy. Brigit’s temple is in Kildare, Ireland. She’s celebrated worldwide on February 1, the ancient sacred day called “Imbolc”, which marks the beginning of springtime and increasing daylight.
Lands of the Goddess
The name ‘Britain’ is a derivation of Brigit’s name. Britain was named for an ancient Celtic tribe, the Brigantes, who worshipped Brigit and were the largest Celtic tribe to occupy the British Isles in pre-Roman times. The tribe originally came from the area that is now Bregenz in Austria near Lake Constance. The word ‘brigand’ comes from this tribe of fierce warriors.
Her worship probably spread from the Continent, leaving place names behind, such as Brittany in France. Brigit place names are found in Brechin, Scotland, the river Brent in England, the river Braint in Wales, Bridewell in Ireland. Even London has a Bridewell.
The symbol of Britain – the Goddess Brigantia or Britannia, (still found on their fifty-cent coin) is Brigid in her aspect as Goddess of Sovereignty or Guardian of the Land
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