Horus- Keepers of The Light |
You are connected to the universe and have the ability to manifest miraculous experiences. Your thoughts, words and actions are like magnets drawing the energy that creates and cultivates your world. You have a stellar gateway chakra above your head, a vortex of energy that is influenced by your own energy. You can place ideas into this vortex to create what you are seeking. The universe also offers you guidance, abundance, support and healing based on your capacity to connect to it and accept it. You have a real opportunity to further that connection now by sending prayers and intentions out into the cosmos
“Your thoughts are magnetic and powerful. Miraculous changes are occurring.”
Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara- Angels & Ancestors Winter |
Sanat Kumara
Sanat Kumara is an "advanced being" at the ninth level of initiation who is regarded as the Lord or Regent of Earth and the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth who dwells in Shamballah , a city said by Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to be a floating city on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert .