There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.
We know that in the world of the air, there's often need to choose between what's wanted now, and what's best to wait for. and in your language this sometimes means sacrifice
We have heard of the stories you have told each other and deities of the land and the sky have done this.. in the ocean there have been great sacrifices
Showing posts with label Mermaids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mermaids. Show all posts
Strength - Mermaid Tarot |
Strength the state of being physically or emotionally strong.
Strength can be physically strong
Strength can be the strength of spirit
Strength is a part of your life.
If you draw this card universe wants you to know that you are strong, you can be strong, if you consider all the problems you have gone through..
Being strong doesn't mean that you are harsh or using physical force.
Being strong means being yourself no matter what, even after going through all the difficulties.
Absinthe Mermaid - Myths & Mermaids Oracle |
Absinthe Mermaid
Languid With barely the strength
To lift my head I indulge in more
My decadent drink My viridian vice
I crave more I succumb to more I am myself
No more
A comatose green mermaid is draped in a toxic stream of bottles,skulls and poisons.
She is drugged and lethargic, a slave to her torpid addiction. She seems at risk of being washed away at a moment's notice.
Gentleness -Messages from The Mermaids |
Be gentle towards yourself and others at this time. Being harsh or using brute strength won't benefit you.
There's great strength in gentleness.
This merman says that looks can be deceptive and gentleness can be found in the most unlikely people and situations.
RELAXATIONIt's time for some rest and recuperationHave you been overdoing things or working too hard? If so, relaxation is required now.Recharge and relax.
Mermaids know how to relax, and this one is floating into your reading to say, 'chill out!
'Have you been overdoing things recently,perhaps you're feeling tired or overwhelmed?
Ace of Mermaid - The Fairy Ring Oracle |
Mermaids are sea fairies,with the upper bodies of lovely woman, the tails of fish, though in early Celtic tales,they were simply sea dwelling maidens.
Sometimes these exotic creatures come to the surface of the sea and sit on the rocks near the shore combing their beautiful hair,
The mermaid is an enchantress, a seductive siren with a sweet voice, but her songs lure ships onto the rocky coasts of Scotland and Cornwall
They take the souls of drowned sailors to the bottom of the sea by the mermaid where they keep them in lobster pots.
Anyone who falls asleep on the beach is in danger of being taken by the mermaid to live with her in her underwater palace.
The Hermit - Tarot of Mermaids |
Only you, you can help yourself, with this way you can understand the others better
:Like Hermit you are searching for knowledge, answers to your questions...
It's not a time to throw out money
You are a powerful healer keep up the great work.
Sacrifice - Oracle of The Mermaids |
There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.
We know that in the world of the air, there's often need to choose between what's wanted now, and what's best to wait for. and in your language this sometimes means sacrifice
We have heard of the stories you have told each other and deities of the land and the sky have done this.. in the ocean there have been great sacrifices
Soul Cage - Oracle Of Mermaids - Mermaid With a Baby Alligator - Myths and Mermaids Oracle of the Water
Soul Cage
Rescue, escape from captivity & restriction
In the legend of Merrows, we mermaids of Ireland's wild and lovely west coast, there's a dark underside - Soul Cage. These are underwater prisons, where men are held, between the worlds, prisoners of the jealous Merrow-men . Under the waves, the Merrow-men entraps the princes of earth in cage of kelp & coral- The soul cages of Legend, in which the prince lies suspended between life & death.
Divine Sensuality, from the Oracle Of The Mermaids, by Lucy Cavendish |
Divine Sensuality: “Making Love, Erotica”
The Mermaids Sing: “Yes, the mermaids are protectors and champions of sexuality and freedom, allure and power! To experience physical bliss is not a purely physical event – there is an intimate connection that connects people who make love, or kiss, or even just shake hands… who touch… and when we exchange this great intimacy with another, there is established between us a strong energetic connection.
Magical Mermaids And Dolphins Oracle Cards- Divine Magic |
This card signifies that the next oracle card you pull out of the deck is surrounded by Divine magical energy. The Divine Magic card urges you to pay very special attention to this card, and do your best to follow its message.
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