This happened when I was about 8 years old. We moved to a small mining town with a very small population. We went and looked at the houses there and there was this house that my parents decided on that gave me this creepy feeling. I still remember it like it was yesterday there are feelings that you can shake off and then there are the ones that stick with you for the rest of youre life.
Now this house was a 3 bedroom place there with a pond outside the yard was not big at all. The one room in the house had me frightened I did not like to walk past it or even go in there. It ended up being my sister's room, she is 3 years younger than me. When ever I had to go in there I will have all of these mixed emotions, anger, crying, and feeling outraged. The one night my sister came to my room crying, and she tells me the lady is standing at her bed. I told her that she can sleep with me in my room.