Showing posts with label The Buckland Romani Tarot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Buckland Romani Tarot. Show all posts
The Emperor - The Buckland Romani Tarot |
"He's the beginning;
Emperor is the ruler.
The way of the Gypsies revealed in a stunning new Tarot pack * Captures the Gypsy flavour in a 78 traditional tarot cards * Reveals Raymond Buckland's unique method of card Interpretation * A fascinating foray into Gypsy history and their introduction of the Tarot cards to the Western world This Tarot is based on Romanies as the author knew them, growing up in England before and after the Second World War. Following the traditional form of Tarot - which was originally Introduced into Europe by the Gypsies - this deck is unique in its use of Romani scenes to portray the ancient symbolism.
The Buckland Romani Tarot is based around English gypsies and has expressive and beautiful artwork. The cards are borderless, and give the feeling that you could step into the picture. It isn't a standard Rider-Waite type deck; among other things, suits have been renamed to Koshes, Koros, Bolers and Chivs, (Staves, Cups, Wheels and Knives), and the Magician is shown as a woman
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