Showing posts with label The Enchanted Map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Enchanted Map. Show all posts
Field of Dreams - The Enchanted Map Oracle  FIELD OF DREAMS    “YOUR THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND BELIEFS ARE ALWAYS ENGAGING THE VAST FIELD OF PURE POTENTIAL.”    This is the perfect time to harness the field of vast potential not yet realized in your life . ...
Follow The Leader - The Enchanted Map Oracle FOLLOW THE LEADER “EVERY LIFE IS A TEACHING TOOL FOR OTHERS. YOUR AUTHENTICITY AND HONESTY ARE AN EXAMPLE TO THOSE AROUND YOU.” You’re being called to lead others by example. Your wisdom has been earned as...
The Enchanted Map - COMING TO LIFE “SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL IS BEING BORN IN YOUR LIFE.” When you turn back and look at yourself you'll see that you've grown in time both physically, mentally & spiritually You have matured in time, and be proud...
Commitment - Enchanted Map Oracle Cards A True Commitment is a responsibility of the heart, mind, body and soul. This is a good time to make one. ...