The Wild Swans
" All the people came flocking out at the town gate for they wanted to see the witch burned. An old horse drew the cart in which she sat. they had put upon her a garment of coarse sackcloth. Her lovely hair hung loose about her beautiful head, her cheeks were as pale as death, and her lips moved silently, while her fingers were engaged with the green flax. Even on the way to the death she didn't interrupt the work she had begun; the ten shirts of mail lay at her feet, and she wrought at the eleventh"
The fairy who came out to meet her was fair and shining, yet she closely resembled the old woman who gave her the berries in the forest and told her of the swans who wore golden crowns on their heads.
"Your brothers can be set free", she said, but have you got the courage and tenacity to do it? The sweater that changes the shape of rough stones is indeed softer than your delicate hands, but it can't feel the pain that your fingers will feel.