To ancient philosophers Fire was a sign of energy and passion.
According to Celts, Fire was a source of transformation.
In Ancient Chinese Culture, Fire bring masculine energy of Yang and the power of purification
To Aztecs fire is found in the seven ray sun. that symbolises the spiritual development in the soul of man.
To many native culture, Fire is the sacred medium through which our deepest prayers and intentions are communicated to the Universe.
With Sacred Herbs offered to the embers, dreams, and visions are sent to Great Spirit within spirals of rising smoke, opening the way of manifestation in physical form.
In Nature fire stimulates growth and brings, renewal and balance.
At times firs burns away and destroys the old, cleansing and purifying the land for new growth.
Different to downward gravitational flow of water.
Fire energy rises moving ever upward.
From the center of earth, up through the mouths of volcanoes.
Fire brings the energy of creation, giving birth to mountains, islands, and earth of tomorrow.