Showing posts with label The Wheel of Fortune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Wheel of Fortune. Show all posts
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Wheel of Fortune - Lady Bug -Animal Totem Tarot |
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The Wheel of Fortune - Animal Totem Tarot |
The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by the Master Lord Maha Chohan and the Master Hilarion.
The Maha Cohan is the representative of The Holly Spirit.
The Maha Cohan’s name means ‘the Great Lord’ and he is known as the ‘Keeper of the Cosmic Flame’ or the ‘Keeper of the Flame
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The Wheel of Fortune - Tarot of the Haunted House |
The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by the Master Lord Maha Chohan and the Master Hilarion.
The Maha Cohan is the representetive of The Holly Spirit.
The Maha Cohan’s name means ‘the Great Lord’ and he is known as the ‘Keeper of the Cosmic Flame’ or the ‘Keeper of the Flame

Ascended Master Hilarion was apostle Paul, later became Ascended Master Hilarion, the Chohan or Master of the 5th Ray; the orange ray of ‘Knowledge and Science’.
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Master Hilarion |
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Most likely, you will find things going positive, but, aspects of luck, are also be beyond our control and influence.
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The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by Jupiter
Jupiter is known all about luck and change
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.
Also Jupiter is the sparkliest planet.
You've entered beginning of a lucky period of time..
You'll find most thing are going through positively, smoothly without any problems at this time - during this period
Don't forget that luck is not in our control and in our influence
It's also about Karma related to Karma, good things come to good people
If you are in a relationship it means you'll be bonded even more, if you are single you'll meet your other half soon.
Everyday is a new beginning, you don't know what rising sun will bring.
It's a cycle of life..
It's also about Karma related to Karma, good things come to good people
Remember your destiny is in your own hands...
It is more like a Karma Card, What goes around comes around. (abundance, happiness, luck; changes things just happens, joy, happiness, opportunities, destiny, chance )
It is in a way a warning card in a positive way, you make your bed and you lay in it.
You harvest what you seed.
It also symbolizes natural cycle of life..
Be revolutional, be positive, make room for new things in your life.
Our lives could move in an unexpected direction.
Change the ways of thinking about things, change the your old ways of thinking.
"stop worrying start living"
"Basically you are the captain, you control the wheel, choose your own route"
"Be the director of your own life "
Remember your destiny is in your own hands...
There are things beyond our control, and that works in this card Wheel of Fortune
If you are in a relationship Wheel of Fortune indicates a positive change in your relationship or if you are single it indicates starting a new relationship, but what Wheel of Fortune brings at this time can be difficult, it could be approval of your relationship (by the elders, or by his circle) or you are having problems keeping in relationships.
If that is the case that you are having issues in keeping in relationship, Wheel of Fortune will lead you to the direction where you suppose to be.
If you are single Wheel of Fortune indicates, universe is working hard to bring you, your soul mate, the one you deserve, you are meant to be.
In regards to your career, big changes are coming, if you want a career change now is the right time, if you want to set up your business it is also good time.
It's a good time for career change, also Wheel of Fortunes indicates financial changes on money wise, but also asks you to use your money wisely.
Just be aware of the opportunities coming to your way, they might not be bed of roses, it might be challenging and difficult.
These challenging actually will force you to improve your skills and develop new skills.
Just embrace these challenges and adapt yourself living with changes
If you are dealing with financial problems, they won't be long lasting.
If you want to follow your dreams follow it.If you’ve been battling health issues you may need to make a necessary adjustment in your life.
Don't resist the changed for your health issues, they may be bad for your health.
Herb for The Wheel of Fortune is SLIPPERY ELM, you can see this on
The Herbal Tarot
Deck Used Here The Crow Tarot
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Tarot of Dürer - The Wheel Of Fortune |
Welcome to day 11 of show your fave topic . Today I'm using The Wheel of Fortune from Tarot of Dürer, see you tomorrow with another deck.
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The Wheel of Fortune is a sign of good beginnings.
Most likely, you will find things going positive, but, aspects of luck, are also be beyond our control and influence.
The Wheel of Fortune tells us that life is made up of both good and bad times, and it's a cycle that's beyond our control. It's the same for the rich & the poor.
When you have good moments in your life, enjoy it to the fullest.
For what comes up must always go down. (it's the same in what comes around goes around )
unfortunately we can't have 365 days of luck.. when you are in a bad situation, things will become better again in time.
There are things beyond our control, and that works in this card Wheel of Fortune
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Life is like a wheel, it can be upwards and downwards, Nothing in life is stable. Accept the changes in your life and take those as blessing as a part of your spiritual growth.
The Wheel of Fortune is also about Major changes (change of residence, job, outlook) completion of a cycle and a new beginning. ( a Saturn-return))
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The Ghost Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune |
The Wheel of Fortune is a sign of good beginnings.
For what comes up must always go down. (it's the same in what comes around goes around )
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