A Frightening Haunting in Wisconsin
The very first time I ever heard the story of the haunting at Summerwind, feelings of fascination and terror crept over my entire body. Just listening to the eyewitness accounts of the haunting tale behind the once-gorgeous Summerwind mansion in Wisconsin sent shivers up my spine and summoned goosebumps to my arms.
Summerwind was once a stately mansion located on West Bay Lake in Wisconsin state. Unfortunately today it stands in utter ruin. The only parts left to the beautiful home once known as the Lamont Mansion are nothing but the stone foundation and chimneys. Summerwind sounds like such a serene and welcoming name for a home, doesn't it? Well, don't let the name fool you. When Summerwind Mansion was still standing, there was an extremely malevolent presence occupying the home. Possibly a ghost...possibly a demon.
So the story of the haunting of Summerwind starts in the early 1900s when two of the first owners of the gorgeous mansion experienced something so frightening that it made them leave forever. The husband and wife were sitting in their kitchen at Summerwind, enjoying dessert (so the stories go), when the door leading from the kitchen to the basement began to open slowly. From behind the basement door, a ghost or spirit moved up and towards them. The husband grabbed his gun and shot two bullets into the ghost's image, but the bullets just hit the basement door and did nothing to effect the spectral form moving towards the couple. In terror, they both fled the house and never returned afterwards.