Safe Home - Magickal Spell Cards |
When we have a safe home it makes us to feel secure, comfortable and surrounded by the uncultivated of the world.
It creates a place where we can hide, relax and settle into, with the purpose of revitalising and support our loved ones.
A happy & secure home lightens up ourselves, our life, and it improves our relationships. Treasure and love your home.
Astrological Correspondences for Candle Magic |
Aquarius [January 20-February 18] Blue and Green
Pisces [February 19-March 20] Light Blue
Aries [March 21-April 19] Red
Taurus [April 20-May 20] Green
Gemini [May 21-June 21] Violet
Cancer [June 22-July 22] Silver
Leo [July 23-August 22] Gold
Virgo [August 23-September 22] Violet
Libra [September 23-October 22] Green
Scorpio [October 23-November 21] Black
Sagittarius [November 22-December 21] Purple
Capricorn [December 22-January 19] Blue and Black
Protection spell from people who wishes you ill.
You do not have to create an imaginary bubble or anything just believe to the power of the words, everything starts with believing.
Repeat it as long as you wish, there is no specific time for it, you can copy and paste this to your phone, to your tablet, read it anytime you want, print it a stick it to your wardrobe, and one for your kitchen, by this way you'll see it more and repeat it more.
For matters related to love, family, emotions, and relationships, you may want to choose Cup cards as your focus. Consider an Ace of Cups to represent new beginnings and starting over, a Three of Cups to symbolize celebratory events like births or weddings, or the Queen of Cups to stand in for a sensual and captivating woman. The Lovers card, although associated with love and all its trappings, is one you may want to use if you’ve got a decision to make between two potential romantic partners, or you’re trying to help someone (including yourself) overcome temptation. Cup cards can also be used to represent the element of water.
To Banish Unwanted Spirits
You Need: Sea salt
Surround yourself with a white light to protect you while you work
Purpose: To help you gather strength for the rest of the winter.
Timing: Best used during Yule
One Bunch hung and dried Mistletoe
Mortar and Pestle
Three 3" square pieces of white paper
One Pen with Green Ink
One fireproof dish (cauldron)
6 white candles 6-8" in length
1. Place the Candles in a circle and light every other one saying:
Here in the season of sun return, May Life return and strength return
2. Using the mortar and pestile, grind the dried mistletoe to dust.
3. Choose up to three areas, in your life where you need strength and write them as a single word on each square of paper.
For example: Health, Energy, emotions, Love, and so on.
4. Sprinkle mistletoe dust on each one of them, then fold them and set them alight using lit candles.
5. Place them in the fireproof dish (cauldron) to burn, and light the remaining candles.
6. Bury the ash under an evergreen.
Close your circle and thank the God/Goddess
Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal.
Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you.
Example: Find a spell you want to do, and change it up a little bit..
Make it work for YOU...
If you think that your lover is not showing his/her interest as much as before, no panic, try this magic.
Wait for Friday, Cos Fridays are under the affect and control of Goddess Venus (21 March) Full Moon season is ideal and advantage
Take your favourite coloured pen, and write your name and your lovers name and surname and take thie in a square, close your eyes and say these words,
Our faith is bounded, we are one, and together
than cut this square and place this into your favourite objects, it could be under your pillow.
than light your instant stick (preferably rose) or you can light rose candle aroma..
this will bring your love back to you..
"Cut Every Fingernail And Toenail.
Take Three Strands Of Hair From The Mold Of Your Head.
Parch All Of These Together,
Then Powder Finely.
Sprinkle Over His Food And Add To His Drinks.
He Will Remain With You".
She cut off all of her fingernails off de left hand, she cut off all of
her right an' each one of de five toenails an' three strands of hair from de mole of her head an' parch all dat together. Grind it up right real fine
an' pound it up an' if he drinks coffee or tea, why when he comes, why when she
fix his supper, jes' put dat - dust dat over his tea. Let him stir it up
with his sugar. Yo' couldn't run him 'way from dere. [She laughs.] Dat'll hold him right dere.
Voodoo is a religion that was brought to the Western coasts by slaves from Africa. It is believed to have started in Haiti in 1724 as a snake cult that worshipped many spirits pertaining to daily life experiences. The practices were intermingled with many Catholic rituals and saints. It was first brought to the Louisiana area in 1804 by Cuban plantation owners who were displaced by revolution and brought their slaves with them.
Voodoo is spelled several ways: vodun, vaudin, voudoun, vodou, and vaudoux. It is an ancient religion practiced by 80 million people worldwide and is growing in numbers. With voodoo’s countless deities, demonic possessions, animal sacrifices (human sacrifices in the Petro -- black magic form of voodoo); voodoo practitioners cannot understand why their religion is so misunderstood.
Voodoo rituals are elaborate, steeped in secret languages, spirit possessed dancing, and special diets eaten by the voodoo priests and priestesses. The ancestral dead are thought to walk among the living during the hooded dances. Touching the dancer during this spirit possessed trance is believed to be dangerous enough to kill the offender.
Talismans are bought and sold as fetishes. These could be statues representing voodoo gods, dried animal heads, or other body parts. They are sold for medicine and for the spiritual powers that these fetishes are believed to hold. The dark side of voodoo is used by participants to summon evil spirits and cast hexing spells upon adversaries.
Voodoo Religion – The Priesthood and Rituals
The priesthood of voodoo is held by both men and women. There are stages of initiation into its priestly duties. Their functions are primarily: healing, rituals, religious ceremonies to call or pacify the spirits, holding initiations for new priests or priestesses, telling fortunes, reading dreams, casting spells, invoking protections, and creating potions for various purposes. These potions are for anything from love spells to death spells; all for a hefty fee of course.
Key items are used in the many rituals of voodoo. The priest’s geographical area of influence is called the parish. An eclectic array of items covers the altar in the temple or hounfort; a peristyle is a roofed or open space where the public voodoo ceremonies take place. The items on the altar would be used in its rituals and include objects that have symbolic meaning: candles, food, money, amulets, ritual necklaces, ceremonial rattles, pictures of Catholic saints, bottles of rum, bells, flags, drums, sacred stones, and knives.
Voodoo Religion – The Beliefs
Voodoo belief recognizes one Supreme Being who created the universe, but who is too far away for a personal relationship with its worshippers. Therefore, the cult followers serve the loa or lesser deities to gain guidance for their lives. The loa are the spirits of ancestors, animals, natural forces, and the spirits of good and evil.
An interesting concept of voodoo belief is the ritual that takes place one year and one day after the decease of a relative. Voodoo belief states that there are two parts of the human soul. The two parts consists of ti-bon-ange (little good angel) and gros-bon-ange (great good angel). The gros-bon-ange is the body’s life force, and after death, the gros-bon-ange must return to the cosmos. To make sure that the ti-bon-ange is guaranteed a peaceful rest, the gros-bon-ange must be recalled through an elaborate expensive ritual involving the sacrifice of a large animal, like an ox, to appease the ti-bon-ange. If the ti-bon-ange spirit is not satisfied and given a peaceful rest, the spirit remains earthbound forever and brings illness or disasters on others.
Voodoo Religion – How does it compare with Christianity?
When comparing Christianity and the Voodoo religion, the more apparent difference is that Christians do not have to elaborate with expensive rituals to appease God. Christians believe that God, in His mercy, sent His Son Jesus to fulfill any sacrifice needed to quell evil and uplift the goodness of God. Those who worship God in truth have a close relationship with Him. He is closer to us than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).
God lets us know through His Word to avoid divinations, fortune telling, and witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:22; 2 Chronicles 33:6; 2 Kings 9:22; Micah 5:12; Nahum 3:4; Galatians 5:19-21). This is to protect us from the father of all lies, the Devil (John 8:44). Christ already paid the price that gave Him the victory over death and evil spirits. Voodoo believers must invoke spells to pacify angry spirits. Christians only need to whisper the name of Jesus, the Victor (1 Corinthians 15:54-57; 1 John 5:4-5).
Court Case Work
If You Need To Receıve More Lenıency From The Court, Call On The Angel Peelee. Call Hım Three Tımes By Name, And Tell Hım To Influence The Judge To Vıew Your Case Kındly And To Reduce Your Sentence. Wıthın 24 Hours You Wıll See Change. If You Are Not Incarcerated But Need To Go To Court, Stand In Front Of Your Door At Sunset And Make A Cross In The Ground Wıth Your Rıght Index Fınger As You Do Thıs, Call Out The Prosecutor's Name. Spıt Into The Cross. Then Whırl Three Steps Forward, Then Three Steps Backwards. Go Into Your House And Shut The Door Wıthout Lookıng Back. The Prosecutor Wıll Be Calm And Peacea
Since the earliest of times Sorcerers, Witches, Soothsayers and so on have used Black Mirrors for Scrying.
Even in the Disney classic "Snow White"... the Evil Queen would Scry looking into the mirror and asking questions concerning her vanity and her rivals.
What is Scrying? It is the divination of future or past events or talking with spirits from another plane of existence by gazing into an object such as the Black Mirror. Now the Black Mirror is not the only thing that can be used for scrying. It can be a puddle of water or a crystal ball or a piece of shiny metal.... even a regular mirror will work. One old favorite is to use a bowl of water and part black ink, which creates a very good black reflection. It can actual be almost any type of object that will allow you to stare into it for long periods of time and gain visions from doing so. The two most popular are the Crystal Ball and the Black Mirror. For me the crystal ball is too bright, although I do also have a solid black crystal ball.
The Purposes of a Circle
A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be visualised. The circle is a spiritual entity.
How to Cast a Circle
A circle can be cast for all magickal acts. The size of a circle varies vastly – it should be able to comfortably fit those using it. Certain actions must be performed and certain words said in a loud, clear voice. An altar should be placed in the circle – in a north, centre or east position.
1. Cleanse yourself and you chosen area. You should have a bath and clear the area completely. Set up an altar with the following items: a flat pentagram symbol, two black candles, an athame or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, a chalice and a saucer.
2. Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say: “With this sacred blade I cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a sacred circle beyond time and space. Let it be a meeting place for all good, and may it deter all wickedness.”
3. Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: “In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, I cast this my working circle.” Afterwards, ring your bell.
4. Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: “Bear witness, Spirits of the North, guardians of Wicca.” Go to the East, South and West and repeat at each.
5. At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade into the bowl of salt, saying: “I exorcise thee, so that it may be purified and may aid me well.”
6. Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the water. Lower the blade of your athame into the water, saying: “I cleanse and consecrate thee, Water of Life, and ask you to bless this circle. In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!”
7. Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle again (still clockwise), and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle, saying: “I consecrate this sacred circle by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his honour.” Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the chalice back on your pentagram.
This completes the casting of your circle. Specific activity can now be performed here, such as a Sabbat ritual, making a charm, or healing. It is absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until your activity is complete, and without properly closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move on to closing the circle.
How to Close a Circle
Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. I bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell.” Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and back to the North again.
Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. So mote it be.” Ring a bell to complete the closing and step out.
To banish evil spirits from your presence, draw the Eolh rune (z)
in red ink on each palm so that when you extend your hand with your palm out and your fingers up, the rune is upright. Whenever you sense an evil presence, clap your hands together three times so that your palms tingle, and hold out your hands in the direction of the malicious entity, saying:
"Eagle's claws are strong,
Dragon's teeth are long;
Arnhofdhi guards the way,
Sigfadhir wins the day."
Arnhofdhi means "eagle-headed, " and Sigfadhir means "father of victory." Both are names of the god Odin, lord of the runes and god of magic
Love Spells and Potions through History
Love spells and charms are a universal phenomenon throughout human history- from ancient times, when love and fertility were both considered whims of the gods who could be cajoled and appeased, to modern times, where many look for a little assistance in making a love connection. Charms
The sympathetic charm, usually in symbolic form, is used to attract a lover. Objects suggestive of anatomical shapes, oils and plants associated with love goddesses, parts from animals, etc., are believed to have power and potency. These charms and potions are a type of sympathetic magic, where it is believed that something that resembl;es another thing bears a magical relationship to that thing. It is one of the oldest and most widespread human beliefs. The choice of symbols used in sympathjetic charms varies according to culture, personal preference, and circumstance.
Medieval magicians fashioned charms resembling the labrys, or two headed axe, an ancient symbol of the female sex organs. The Mandrake, whose root often resembles male genitals, was prized as an aphrodisiac – so much so that it was called “Circe’s plant,” after the infamous sorceress who enslaved men. In Indonesia, a popular charm is the coco-de-mer, a nut related to the coconut that bears a striking resemblance to female anatomy.
Love potions and aphrodisiacs
The quest for the perfect, never fail love potion is an ancient one…in the second century, the philosopher Apuleius was accused (and acquitted) of using a love potion to attract his wealthy wife. Love potions have been the staple commercial product of folk magicians and quacks for millennia. Some concoctions were simple aphrodisiacs, herbal recipes with varying physical effects. Some were disgusting, or even dangerous, composed of oils, animal parts, strong spices, and even drugs and toxins. Modern versions of these ancient formulas, often just as dubious in efficacy as their ancient counterparts, can be purchased via mail order or even from the neighborhood pharmacy, although instead of magical claims, they make scientific sounding promises.
Even today, the most popular services of the witch-for-hire is the love spell. Many spells are based on ages old practices- charms to be worn on the body or placed near the bed, paper spells invoking saints, Gods, or angels, or making incantations over foods to be eaten by the intended. A common Wiccan spell involves burning candles with human shapes or anointed with oils, which are moved toward one another while a simple chant is performed. American folk magic remedies include commercial preparations like ‘come back oil,’ a cheaply scented pink concoction meant to ensure the return of a straying lover. Manipulation and Control
Many love spells are meant to influence or control an individual. Usually composed of items with personal significance, they may incorporate the hair, nail clippings, bodily fluids or personal property of the desired companion. Despite the dubious ethical implications of trying to coerce another person, these types of magical manipulations are all too common. Some are relatively harmless charms, such as the medieval tradition of giving the intended a piece of fruit which has been chanted over. More ethically dubious spells may include elaborate rituals to ensure the loyalty or love of a person, to break up a marriage, or to get revenge on a cheating spouse. Most modern magical traditions take strong stances against interfering with the free will of another person, but as long as there is money in exploiting the desperate and lovesick, there will always be plenty of love spells available for the right price
Simple Manifesting Spell
This is a simple spell for manifesting something you desire.
When trying to manifest a desire, there are several things you should
keep in mind: always respect the rule of "Harm None", what you are
manifesting should not be something that belongs to another, and never
ever should it be a person. You must always respect other's free will.
Also, you should not be too narrow in your desire. For example if you
were manifesting money you should not ask for $10 but rather for "the
money I need, at least $10." Spirit may send you more than you ask
for, unless you yourself have limited it. Spirit will never overrule
the limitations you place on yourself, only you can remove those.
Finally, when just starting out in magic, it may be advisable to start
with small things. This is because magic will not work if you don'tsie bowl so that it
doesn't lay on just one side and prevent that side from burning. The
speed and thoroughness with which the paper burns shall be an omen to
you of how long it will take for the thing to come to you. If any part
of the paper doesn't burn, take that piece and repeating the
affirmation over it, burn it again.
Now clear and release as you know to do, and do not obsess over what
you have manifested. Worrying about it excessively will tend to block
it, so the less you can think about it the better. Instead simply know
that you have done it successfully and wait for it to come. If you
cannot be patient, tell yourself "I put myself into a position of love
and trust, knowing that what I want shall come" and imagine stepping
over a half step to the left. What you have manifested may not come
immediately, but it will come soon. These things take time. But you
will find this a very useful spell.
Candle Magic
Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You may remember your first candle ritual when you were 2 years old on your birthday. The candles were lit and you were told to close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candles. Candle spells are pretty much the same principle. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism.
Here is a table of the colors and their meanings:
White: truth, purity
Red: love, health, sex, strength
Green: money, luck, fertility
Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion
Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation
Pink: love, morality, honour
Purple: power, business progress, ambition
Orange: attraction, stimulation
Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord
Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity
Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health
Dark Blue: depression, changeability
Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me. It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the repositioning of the candles each day. The choice is always yours.
The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your peticular desire. Then you need to annoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine. You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends. As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal. Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra.You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive thinking, and creative visualization.
If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventualy they will materialize.
2 candles
red wine
ground cinnamon
2 shallow bowls/cups Ritual:
Light the candles. Pour some wine in the bowls. Each person start warming their bowl of wine over a candle. Add a pinch of cinnamon. Swirl the bowls to mix cinnamon while finishing the warming. Each person breathe into both bowls. Recite the following toast:
"May the union of man and woman bring pleasure and happiness to both."
Touch bowls. Drink. Do what comes naturally
From Laurie Cabot's "Candle Magic for Rocky Times" (in the book "Love Magic: The Way to Love Through Rituals, Spells, and the Magical Life")
Hold a pink candle and charge it for future spells by visualizing you and your lover in a happy loving embrace. Put the energy from this vision into the candle. Then say out loud, "We will always love each other. May the Goddess and God grant this for the good of all."
When problems arise in your relationship or you need self-confidence, take out the candle on a Friday during a waxing moon. Annoint it with love oil (Cabot doesn't specify a particular mix, so I guess it's up to the individual's discretion). Put some oil on your index finger, and beginning in the middle of the candle, run your finger to the wick end. Then repeat, rubbing the oil down to the bottom of the candle. Light the candle and let it burn down completely (in a safe place) and go out.
Though this spell does involve some pre-planning (by having previously charged the candle), I don't see why it shouldn't work by charging it and performing the spell shortly thereafter. The trick will be to summon up the appropriate feelings of love if you're not in a particularly loving kind of mood.