The Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas quickly earned a national reputation as one of the most haunted places in the U.S. -- almost certainly the most haunted in the state of Kansas. The rather simple-looking painted brick house at 508 N. Second Street, built between 1867 and 1871, gives no indication from the street of its spooky reputation, but the many experiences of those who lived there are have subsequently investigated the place testify as to its ghostly vibes -- mostly of the negative kind.
Known as the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon is one haunted town in a very haunted England. Located on the River Avon, it is a popular tourist town and has many stories of ghosts and unexplained phenomena.
The White Lion Inn is haunted by the ghost of John Davies, otherwise known as the Stratford Ripper. According to Haunted Stratford, "Intrepid ghost hunters at the former Whit Lion Inn swear that they have been chased from rooms or even followed home by the man with the knife. On one occasion, a woman insists that he got into bed with her the following night!"
A teenage boy and his mother endure the nightly terror of paranormal activity
The paranormal activity experienced by Alan A. in 1977 has all of the characteristics of a classic poltergeist case: scratching, knocking, and marching sounds of unknown origin; shadowy figures; and a young victim (or "agent" in paranormal terms) at the age of puberty with family stresses. To appreciate what Alan and his mother experienced, try to put yourself in his place as you read his account. How would you bear up under the nightly assault of this terrifying activity? This is Alan's story....
When I was just turning 13 years old, my mum and I lived in a second-floor flat in Glenburn-Paisley on the outskirts of Glasgow, Scotland. The year was 1977, and lots had changed since I was a small kid. My grandfather died when I was 12, which I took really badly, and my own father did not want to know us, so mum and I got on with life as best we could.
When my grandfather died, I moved into his room. I was a big Adam Ant fan back then, and one of my walls was decorated with pictures and posters of the group. The 12 x 12 room was quite bare: a bed and dresser with a wardrobe attached, which housed all my worldly possessions, such as clothing, records, a little stereo, and my 0.22 air rifle.
I had a small, close-knit group of friends, who would come face-to-face with what I would term "a poltergeist with a difference."
Shortly after moving into the house, I was trying to go to sleep when I felt the bed shift at the end like someone had just sat down.
When my daughter was 6 months old, I started noticing some unusual behavior. She would laugh and babble like someone was playing with her when no one was there.
I'm back with another Haunted Doll Post..
This time it's Letta The Gypsy Doll
Letta the doll was apparently made 200 years ago by a Romanian gypsy for his son who had drowned.
He had not expected to meet the woman of his dreams, but there she was strolling along in the moonlight beside the cemetery. Carlos quickened his pace until he was level with her, hoping for a glimpse of her face under her veil.
Carlos made a few remarks about the beautiful night and the lovely weather—anything to keep her talking. She stopped abruptly and turned to face him. He caught a glimpse of dark eyes glinting behind the veil.
The Maori are an indigenous people in New Zealand who used to carve out masks and statues prior to heading into battle.
According to the Maori belief system, any man who died in battle would leave his soul behind in one of the warrior masks.
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