The Sea Peoples were conjectured groups of seafaring raiders, usually thought to originate from either western Anatolia or southern Europe, specifically a region of the Aegean Sea.They are conjectured to have sailed around the eastern Mediterranean and invaded Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age
A Frightening Haunting in Wisconsin
The very first time I ever heard the story of the haunting at Summerwind, feelings of fascination and terror crept over my entire body. Just listening to the eyewitness accounts of the haunting tale behind the once-gorgeous Summerwind mansion in Wisconsin sent shivers up my spine and summoned goosebumps to my arms.
Summerwind was once a stately mansion located on West Bay Lake in Wisconsin state. Unfortunately today it stands in utter ruin. The only parts left to the beautiful home once known as the Lamont Mansion are nothing but the stone foundation and chimneys. Summerwind sounds like such a serene and welcoming name for a home, doesn't it? Well, don't let the name fool you. When Summerwind Mansion was still standing, there was an extremely malevolent presence occupying the home. Possibly a ghost...possibly a demon.
So the story of the haunting of Summerwind starts in the early 1900s when two of the first owners of the gorgeous mansion experienced something so frightening that it made them leave forever. The husband and wife were sitting in their kitchen at Summerwind, enjoying dessert (so the stories go), when the door leading from the kitchen to the basement began to open slowly. From behind the basement door, a ghost or spirit moved up and towards them. The husband grabbed his gun and shot two bullets into the ghost's image, but the bullets just hit the basement door and did nothing to effect the spectral form moving towards the couple. In terror, they both fled the house and never returned afterwards.
Also known as "The Clown Doll," "The Killer Clown," "It the Clown," "The Clown Serial Killer"
So-and-so's friend, a girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms. Anyways, the parents are going out for a late dinner/movie. The father tells the babysitter that once the children are in bed she should go into this specific room (he doesn't really want her wandering around the house) and watch TV there.
The parents take off, and soon she gets the kids into bed and goes to the room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she is disturbed by a clown statue in the corner of the room. She tries to ignore it for as long as possible, but it starts freaking her out so much that she can't handle it.
She resorts to calling the father and asks, "Hey, the kids are in bed, but is it okay if I switch rooms? This clown statue is really creeping me out."
In July, 1977, the Boston Evening Globe ran a story of a 10-year-old girl in Lawndale, Illinois, who was attacked by a bird with an 8-foot wingspan that tried to carry her off. Her mother claimed that her daughter was carried about 20 feet before she was able to force the bird to release her.
In September, 1977, a bald eagle picked up a small beagle and was able to carry it a distance of about 600 yards before it had to drop the dog.
And in a most gruesome account, in 1838 a huge eagle snatched up a 5-year-old girl from a mountain slope in the Swiss Alps and took her to its nest where it dined on the poor child. When the nest was found some time later, it was said to be littered with the bones of sheep and goats.
When I was 3 or 4 years old we lived in a house in Wichita, Kansas, that had been an old plantation house that had been split into apartments. My mother told me that one night she heard me screaming and she came running out of her room to see me running down the hall from the bathroom. I had gone to the bathroom on my own and she told me that I told her there was a man in the bathroom.   She of course went running into the bathroom but found no one. The bathroom window was too small for anyone to fit through and upon searching out part of the house she didn't find a trace of anyone having broken in. She asked me to describe the man and I told her he had a pair of revolvers, was wearing a pinstripe suit, and had a mustache. I never saw the man again, but I wouldn't go to the bathroom by myself anymore.
Protection spell from people who wishes you ill.
You do not have to create an imaginary bubble or anything just believe to the power of the words, everything starts with believing.
Repeat it as long as you wish, there is no specific time for it, you can copy and paste this to your phone, to your tablet, read it anytime you want, print it a stick it to your wardrobe, and one for your kitchen, by this way you'll see it more and repeat it more.
Taunton State Hospital, Massachusetts, USA
Built in 1854, Taunton State Hospital was as a psychiatric hospital located in Taunton, Massachusetts and it brags a horrible yet alarming history. You would understand the entire story if you are aware of the hospital’s most famous patient – Jane Toppan, a serial killer who confessed to having murdered at least 31 people while working as a “nurse.” However, the story involving the people who ran the hospital is even more terrifying than many of the criminally insane patients it housed.
Located near the Spanish Quarter Village in Old St. Augustine, the Military hospital was formerly named Our Lady of Guadeloupe. Of course, the building that stands there today is a replica of the original which stood on this same site from 1784-1821. Interesting discoveries were made, of the gruesome type, when the city decided to overhaul its waterlines, which ran under the Military hospital.
The Hospital was built in 1935 to complement other installations in Changi, which was then a military base to defend the eastern coastal side of the Johor Strait. The hospital was commissioned and named the Royal Air Force (RAF) Hospital. It served the Royal Engineers in Kitchener Barracks, the Royal Artillery in Roberts Barracks and the Gordon Highlanders in Selarang Camp.
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