The Moon continues it's journey within the confines of Virgo today and our needs today are more practical ones, such as running errands, keeping things tidy and in order, getting on with the routines that shape our daily lives, indeed we should feel happy if we are keeping ourselves occupied and useful to others.
Today for those of us in Europe at least there is a marked shift of energy as the Moon moves at lunchtime from brash Leo into more discerning and reserved Virgo. From needing to be out front and centre, the energy pulls back and there is more of a feeling that we should be of service now.
The Moon continues on is the royal sign of Leo as we hit the weekend and this energy is directed to our individual needs. There is a warmth and brashness with the Moon here, and yet the confidence it instils will be tempered through the day as it forms an easy link to Saturn, the planet of limitation.
Prayer to Ascended Master Hilarion
" Master Hilarion , please
give me your gifts and blessings. Please give me access to the truth, help me penetrate the veil of lies and doubt and to always reach the truth in any situation in life. Help Me To - Archangel's by Raphael - The healer, Of The BODIES, Minds And Souls To Heal Me From All Points Of View. The Give Me, please's, All The Gifts That You Think And bLess the I Need Me. ".
Thank you.
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