When KW appears in a reading it's absolutely a positive omen.
All you need to do is to be more strong, follow the new trends on your job, eg: if you work in IT sector follow the new application, programs, if needed take a course on , improve yourself, improve your gifts, create a brand new you.
King of Wands Represents energy, King of wands are leaders, naturally born as leaders and they don't particularly focus only on creativity
Guardian Angel Tarot- Manifest Your Dreams
Your plans will be materialising soon, Your angels will be with you to help you on this journey.
The Magician is about pure willpower.
Be Optimistic, the help is on its way, you'll be happily moving forward on this journey.
You'll suddenly your gifts, skills & talents.
You need to start to meditate to connect with your spirit guides & guardians
You need to avoid making risky decisions
You need to trust & have faith, believe that things are gonna go well.
Celtic Dragon Tarot- Judgment
You've accomplished great things in your life and you need to be proud of those accomplishments.
“You have accomplished a great deal in your life, and you have much to be proud of. Now it is time to decide on your next accomplishment, what do you want to do next?
Do not be distracted by ordinary thoughts,/ typical thoughts that may distract your from your own goals, .Be the real you!”
“This is a very important moment in your life. Whatever happened in the past until now it was to help you to understand who really you are.
Your future steps will define your fate, It's you choice, your life, all in your hands.
Be an optimistic person and have control of your life.
The Mibramig Magical Tarot - The Wheel Of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is a sign of good beginnings.
Most likely, you will find things going positive, but, aspects of luck, are also be beyond our control and influence.
Life is like a wheel, it can be upwards and downwards, Nothing in life is stable. Accept the changes in your life and take those as blessing as a part of your spiritual growth.
The Wheel of Fortune is also about Major changes (change of residence, job, outlook) completion of a cycle and a new beginning. ( a Saturn-return))
When you draw The Wheel of Fortune., It means the laws of Karma & Reincarnation is working./
Never feel sorry for yourself or pity yourself., look out for new opportunities, remember if one door closes the other one opens
The Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot - Ace of Cups
“The Ace of Cups brings the gift of love and key emotional events: fertility, pregnancy, birth, and motherhood;”
You are gaining spiritual insight and developing.
You feel bored and you feel like you need a change..
You feel low on your energy levels it's because of inactivity.
Allow your Inner Self to explore and find its purpose
Just when you lost your hopes, someone will be helping you out.
Get rid of whatever the baggage you are carrying on your shoulders.
It's time to start a new, a new chapter, a fresh start, give a chance to new beginnings.
Tarot Of Prague 7 of Swords
The Seven of Swords in general, represents betrayal and deception.
The Seven of Swords implies that either you or someone else you know / in your life having issues with getting away with something.
Things may not work out the way you have planned.
Either you or someone you know is hoping that these things will stay under the carpet & won't ever revealed & discovered.
Seven of Swords represents a challenge to set injustice, dishonesty, betrayal, immorality, and unethical actions by aligning with truth and honesty. right.
You might be the victim of your own self betrayal as well as other's betrayal to yourself.
Whether it's about an embarrassing subject or something worse, unfortunately it's coming out.
Llewellyn's Classic Tarot - Ace of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles represents beginning of prosperity and it's about opportunities to start a new project.
It's about investing resources in a project.
It's a time that finally you can say "At last success begins to show;"
If you have good foundations it'll bring the best results.
You might receive an important document or letter soon, this might be a legal document.
Ace of Pentacles is also warning you about greediness and asking you not to be greedy
Ace of Pentacles also telling you that you are overly possessive regarding to money and belongings.
Pentacles corresponds with Earth.
You might have made a wrong choice, you need to listen to your inner voice.
Don't be overly confident, things may not work out the way you expect.
Pentacles people are practical and know money is important.
Pentacles people generally don't want to share their money with others.
Ace of Pentacles tells us that you have practical approach to your health.
The Druidcraft Tarot - The Lovers
You have two paths, It's time for a choice, the outcome will be important.
You are resisting to change, you need to make firm decisions, after that you no longer need to resist.
But before giving firm decisions ask yourself is this really what you want?
You need to seek spiritual values, and chose your path carefully.
You can lose everything you have at the end.
So yes it's a dilemma. "All or Nothing."
You need to keep the faith, you may be a mentor or leader that helps others to find their path spiritually or you just met someone to help you pm your journey.
Question everything don't just blindly believe and follow, listen to your heart, listen to your instincts, inner voice and use your logic before giving an important decision.
When there's Strong opposition and there's a great pressure it'll cause concerns
You may lose all in the end.
The Empeor - Ukiyoe Tarot
The Emperor is the "The Great Law"
He's the four principles.
He's in the four elements
He's the four seasons.
He's in the four cardinal points I am in the four signs of the Tarot.
"He's the beginning;
He's an action;
He's completion and he's the result.
Emperor is the ruler.
Emperor represents parents in their archetypal roles
Emperor symbolises law of society
Emperor is all about authority, he's an authority figure.
Emperor represents masculine principle in life.
Emperor is also a strategic thinker
Drawing The Emperor in a reading means that you set up goals for yourself and as long as you are methodical & strategical you can pursue your goals,
If you have been given the opportunity to take responsibility for a project, this will help you and you'll have a chance to think clearly.
You may be asked to use your wisdom and bring clarity to whatever you are doing / you'll be doing
You need to do this methodically and strategically like an Emperor / Master / Mentor does.
If your partner is older than yourself Emperor is asking you to use your mind not your heart to give decisions
Pay attention to what you have not what you don't have.
10 of Gabriel- Archangel Power Tarot
10 of Gabriel / Wands shows us that You have heavy burdens and responsibility and weight to carry on and you want to know if there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
You are the only one who has a lot of responsibilities in your environment, you are the only problem solver in your family.
You are flooded with responsibilities and challenges to maintain your success, and try not to lose control and make sure you know how to solve your problems .
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