Stag is telling you that beautiful warm-hearted person and you need to spend some time outdoors, don't be trapped indoors all day
You need to trust yourself, (don't be insecure)
You have all the gifts,
You were born to be a leader, leading others into the right direction
Stags energy allow you to feel secure.
You are being encouraged to retrain your dignity and be proud of who you are.
Doubt - Soul's Journey
“I release the need to know all the answers”
It’s impossible for the human brain to comprehend the mysteries of the Universe.
You are only consciously aware of the three dimensions for a reason, and that is to earn to love without the full awareness of you connection to Spirit.
Everyone has his or her own personal path to this awareness, and there is no right or wrong answer as long as you goal is to manifest the energy of love and compassion.
The wisdom of the Divine trickles into the physical dimension, and some of it will resonate with your soul and some will not.
These are your signposts that guide you to your correct path. If the wisdom resonates with you and seems right, then keep it. If not, release it back to the Universe.
Always be aware and mindful of the insights that your Spirit Guides and teachers put on your path.
Oshun - Ascended Masters Oracle Cards
Oshun is the goddess of the sweet waters and the protective deity of the River Oshun in Nigeria. Alongside this river is a sacred grove, probably the last in Yoruba Culture, dedicated to Oshun.
She is known for healing the sick, bringing happiness and cheer to the sad one, bringing music, song and dance, as well as being a goddess of fertility and prosperity.
She's the Diana of the African goddesses
She is the protector of the poor, the mother of all orphans, she is the one who brings them what they need in this life through periods of weakness or strength
Four Of Pentacles-Marco Polo Tarot
Four of Pentacles is telling us that you are holding on to unrealistic & unhealthy things
Possessions, things that you cling on..
Status & Wealth
Being Comfortable
You want security & recognition in life, and that recognition doesn't come without money.
"There's the question how far are you willing to go until you go the money you want?"
If you don't come from a wealthy background or if you do but you are a money minded person it shows that you can go as far as you can to reach what you want.
Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle
Wolf as Guardian Spirit Animal is there to protect you.
Wolf as an animal spirit is there to heal your wounds, from whatever hurt you in the past.
They'll be physical, emotional & psyhic barriers for you.
You are moved into illusion of safety,
It's time to trust that spirits there for you to help whenever you need them. .
Wolves are animals who are strong and very royal.
Wolves are good communicators, they touch, they do eye contact. and they are very vocal.
Heart's Desires- Life Purpose Oracle
The Angels are supporting you, guiding and protecting you until you make your dreams to come true.
If you can dream it you can make it.
It's very important to have dreams and desires, as they will give you a goal.
If there's anyone who can manifest your dreams is you.
You can't expect a fairy god mother to appear with a magical wand and make your dreams to come true...
It only happens in Hollywood movies and fairy tales.
Archangel Remiel is both a fallen Watcher and an archangel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Ramiel means "thunder of God" from the Hebrew elements ra'am and El, "God". Ramiel is the archangel of hope, and he is credited with two tasks: he is responsible for divine visions, and he guides the souls of the faithful into Heaven.
Archangel Remiel is the angel who brings souls to judgment,
Remiel means God raises
Everyday Witch- 7 of Swords
The Seven of Swords in general, represents betrayal and deception.
The Seven of Swords implies that either you or someone else you know / in your life having issues with getting away with something.
Either you or someone you know is hoping that these things will stay under the carpet & won't ever revealed & discovered.
Whether it's about an embarrassing subject or something worse, unfortunately it's coming out.
The Seven of Swords can be seen as saving yourself.
You need to go under many transformations, but it can be negative as well as it's positive.
You need to move fast on giving decisions. .
The Seven of Swords points out to someone with unethical intensions.
Don't try to dig someone else's privacy (dirty laundry) unless that person is a minor someone that you know closely, a family member.
Don't forget everyone deserves some privacy at some point
The World - Fairy Tarot
The World symbolises your inner & outer world, Unity....
It's about individual recognition, enlightenment.
You need to connect your inner self .
The World tells you that you'll reach what you are trying to achieve.
Your efforts are starting to pay off.
It tells you that you have completed a milestone in your life.
You have completed a long term project.
It may mean a baby, marriage, engagement, graduation
The World is also telling you no matter what don't give up.
Queen of Air - Angel Tarot
The Queen of Swords is a woman who's older, experienced than you.
.She has a masculine mind.
This card tells you you need to make judgements without your emotions getting involved.
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