Page of Swords - Tarot of The Journey to The Orient |
Page of Swords represents someone who's being truthful, someone who is like a child, young at heart and sometimes someone who has childish behaviours.
Page of Swords indicated that a new phase is about to begin in your life.
Consider all offers & proposals carefully before accepting it
Be careful about the secrets being kept from you are the secrets around you, this creates confusion and lack of trust, and you may also misinterpret things, you'd reach your own conclusions, which may not be true.
There may be delays and things getting postponed, and this may causing frustrations in your life, causing disappointments.
The Page of Swords may be indicating that there may be a possible delay or postponement that will make you displeased and disappointed.
Page Swords also warns you about someone being deceitful to you or there'll be a situation where you'll be deceived, and all your efforts will be going to trash.