9 of Cups- Tarot Wonderland  9C is known as a wish card. It tells us that finally you'll collect the fruits of your hard work. You have entered to a lucky period of time It'll be a very fruitful day, you'll be collection...
2 of Wands - Mibramig Magical Tarot Two of Wands is all about planning and moving forward. It is  progression, You have already had set your target to achieve something, It basically tells you have already started your progression, you set your target, you...
5 of Pentacles - Tarot of Gnomes  Ambition, Goals, Inspiration "If you want to make your dreams to come true, the first thing you need to do is to wake up" The 5 of Pentacles does not carry good news. It's a card...
3 of Swords - The Byzantine Tarot  A sign of sorrow, being unhappy, being in pain. Heart breaks. 3 of swords symbolizes all those...  This is a transition period of time that you need to go through.  ...
King of Pentacles- Tarot Illuminati  Pentacles is about money KP is another Royal Tarot Court Card. First money money, finance card. of this month. ...
8 of Swords - Llewellyn's Classic Tarot 8 Swords is one of my stalking cards, a long with 9 swords, three swords, four swords, six of swords, Five Wands, Tower and Death.. Eight of Swords is not that bad, not as bad as...
2 of Wands - Japanese Myth Tarot Two of Wands is all about planning and moving forward. It is  progression, You have already had set your target to achieve something, It basically tells you have already started your progression, you set your target,...
The Universe - Initiatory Tarot of the Golden DawnIt's about individual recognition, enlightenment.   You need to connect your inner self . The World tells you that you'll reach what you are trying to achieve.  ...
Lord Shiva - Transcendence- Keepers of The Light  Lord Shiva "Transcendence” “Rise up. Honour your inner force. Steps are being given. Dance with the universe.” “About Lord Shiva: “Shiva is one of India’s trinity of male god figures. He is depicted wearing a...
Vajrayogini - The Divine Feminine Oracle Vajrayoginī རྡོ་རྗེ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་མ་, is a Tantric Buddhist female Buddha and a ḍākiṇī. Vajrayoginī's essence is "great passion" (maharaga), a transcendent passion that is free of selfishness and illusion — she intensely works for the well-being of others and...