 Alchemy - Sacred Geometry Activations The frequency of Alchemy activates our magical ability and remembrance of the magic that we all hold inside.  Each one of us has the potential to access the ancient knowledge that allowed the true alchemist to perform the miracles of...
  Letting Go - Guardian Angel Tarot  Letting Go: “Releasing the past can seem like a challenge, but it can also be liberating.  Your angels will help you let go so that you can fly higher than ever before.  Endings always herald new beginnings.   ...
Come to Life - Sacred Rebels    You are the most sacred of all sacred artworks.  You are bringing yourself to life now and this is how it must be.  Of course something being essential doesn't mean it COME TO LIFE will always be easy.  You must...
Accept Heaven's Help - Magical Mermaids & Dolphins   Accept Heaven's Help You’ve prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you.   You’ve asked, “What should I do next?”   ...
   Goddess sarawati & Amonite Goddess sarawati & Amonite    We bring you the empowerment of word to world.  What you speak of with intention you shall manifest.   You are blessed with the creative power of an open and activated throat chakra.  As you release subconscious fear of speaking...
Relase Your Ex- Romance Angels  The time has come to clear your energy Release Your Ex  The time has come to clear your energy.  You drew this card because your love life will improve once you emotionally and energetically release your ex-lover.   ...
Past Life Present Power - Isis Oracle The many spirital faces of you When the soul is growing in service to humanity, in service to Great Feminne and her call that beings be healed and free, it gathers itneral and her call that...
Vegeterian - Magical Messages From The Fairies Vegetarian  {A new way of eating gives you more energy,greater health,clarity,and stronger manifestation abilities}    The Sun is Life Force Energy. We receive self sustaining nutrients and many benefits from Life Force Energy based foods such as; fresh herbs, fruit,...
Spirituality & Religon - Past Lives Oracle SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION   Everyone's soul enjoys varied experiences and opportunities, so it's very common for us to explore a number of different religious and spiritual paths as we travel through lifetimes.  While spiritual growth and knowledge accu mulate...
 Codex Gigas  Codex Gigas, known as ‘the Devil’s Bible,’ is the largest and most probably the strangest medieval manuscripts in the world.    There is a portrait drawing of devilin full page, fuels the rumors of it's being the Devil's Bible  It is one of the...