“The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation.”
Many are going through huge emotional turmoil either because a relationship that they thought was going to last a lifetime has ended or perhaps a loved one has crossed to the other side.
Kosmos- Byzantine Tarot
The World symbolises your inner & outer world, Unity....
It's about individual recognition, enlightenment.
You need to connect your inner self .
The World tells you that you'll reach what you are trying to achieve.
Goddess Sekhmet & Fire Agate - Passion Of The Lionheart - Crystal Mandala Oracle
“We bring you the empowerment of passion of the lion heart. Through passion you will dedicate yourself with an intensity and discipline that may surprise you.
Passion is love activated. It is energy that moves you from within and empowers you to act in the world in ways you would not otherwise dare to even consider.
Passion gives you strength, plugs you into the eternal energy of sacred fire, and generates the ability to accomplish tasks you once may not have believed possible. With great passion there can be great pain.
King of Pentacles - Liberty
Pentacles is about money
KP is another Royal Tarot Court Card.
I want to start with Love first before going into other bits..
The Merlin - Wisdom of Avalon
The Merlin: “Alchemy - Justice - Balance
The Messengers Of Avalon
“The Merlin is the messenger of initiation and alchemy and is both the Magician and the High Priest. He is the masculine keeper of magic and has the ability to turn iron ore into gold.
The Merlin says, “You have all you need to move forward. Rejoice that all the elements you require for success are, indeed, present!”
Page of Cups-Tarot Illuminati
Page of Cups is telling you that you need to be open to the new ideas,
It also tells us that we will have a new opportunity to start something and how will we use it.
Will we use it alone to create something new or will we get help from someone else to turn this energy into something else?
5 of Rods - Hanson Roberts Tarot
Go to the woods: to moss, to mud, to magic.
The Five of Wands tells that you are experiencing conflicts and changes in your life.
5W is about conflicts, this might be an existing one, which brew up in time and blew up with the last conflict.
You may also having communication problems, you might be in a situation that both sides are not listening one of the other that's why you are you are having conflicts, once you are patient enough to listen to each other conflicts will remain
King of Swords - Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot
When The King of Swords appears in you reading it suggests you to stay objective, before you jump into conclusions stay / stick with the truth.
The King of Swords and his cognitive power implies you need to make your point to reach your goal, use your intelligence.
Considering your experience and education, You should be more observant and sharp, you should be a bit more sharper to see the problems coming to your way.
3 of Cups - Angel Wisdom Tarot
It's one of the most positive cards in tarot deck, it symbolizes happiness, celebrations, get together.
So from this today will be a relatively positive day, you'll be able to forget your worries, things that is bothering you and have some nice time with your family, loved ones & friends.
3 of Cups - Angel Wisdom Tarot
It's a reunion, maybe meeting up with friends that you haven't seen in long time, from school years.
It's a happy event, cherishing moments. .
3 Cups is also a good omen when it comes to business and work. You'll receive some money.
In love it's a sign of reunion with long lost love (although not always we take it that way)
If you are single you'll meet your other half soon, if you are in a relationship you'll get to spend some nice time with your loved one..
On health wise you need to find ways to improve your health? Perhaps time to start yoga, meditation, eating healthily food, joining to your local gym. Sleep and rest a little more.
In love it's a sign of reunion with long lost love (although not always we take it that way)
If you are single you'll meet your other half soon, if you are in a relationship you'll get to spend some nice time with your loved one..
On health wise you need to find ways to improve your health? Perhaps time to start yoga, meditation, eating healthily food, joining to your local gym. Sleep and rest a little more.
Things are not progressing as good or fast as you are excepting in your relationship, you need to have a little bit of patience, things will progress in time, and in their own pace of time, we can't force these things.
You might have someone new in your life that you have recently fall in love, or love is about to knock your door.
If you are single you'll meet your other half but things need time to progress don't rush
In Business / Career you'll get what you want but there's still time for it, don't rush, let it progress on its own
3 of Cups tells us that you have worked hard and now collecting / harvesting the fruits of your hard work.
The problems you had in the past will be resolved when your draw 3 of Cups
3 of Cups indicates happy times, happy days
3 of Cups indicates you have a lot of events coming up maybe it's time to take care of your physical health, losing weight, skin care, etc. and
loads of rest, mental & physical..
Enjoy whatever is waiting you, you are just starting a new life with happy days awaiting you.
If you have had bad experiences in your previous relationships but you need to let it go, so you can start a new blank chapter.
3 of Cups indicates pregnancy , child birth but it does not necessarily means human babies, it might be your fur babies as well
You might be a getting the fur baby you have been wanting for so long. (if you are not actually pregnant / gave birth or if there is no pregnancy / child birth in your family)
3C is a good card for finances and work as well. Money is coming to your way, relatively a new job that you have been after for so long.
There will be a reunion but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get together with an ex. It might be a reunion with friends & family that you have not seen for such a long time.
If you are single you will meet that person who ticks the your list but this person will be different from the other people you have dated before.
The person you'll meet will be a family oriented person, you'll have so much in common.
Maybe it's time to do some practices that will help your spiritual awakening.
Maybe reading books on this subject will help or consulting a spiritual teacher, this teacher could be a friend of yours not necessarily hiring a spiritual guru.
You have just started your spiritual awakening,
You use this a chance to board your mind & spirit.
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Knight of Cups - Santa Muerte Tarot
Knight of C tells us finally there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
It tell us everything is going to be OK and stop stressing, (it's easy to speak, only the one who's going through bad times knows how painful things are)
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